
Established Company For Foreignrs

  • 01/01/1970


Establish a foreign-owned company

Establishing a company for foreigners, Establishing a company with 100% foreign capital, Establishing a foreign-invested company, Establishing a foreign-invested company: Foreigners wishing to register for business in Vietnam To comply with the Investment Law and other documents related to investment law, foreigners wishing to earn a living in Vietnam must apply for a business license or a business license attached to the investment certificate.

Foreigners may establish companies in Vietnam: Foreigners are entitled to establish companies in Vietnam, but must comply with Vietnamese law and treaties to which Vietnam is a contracting party.

Conditions and procedures for foreigners doing business in Vietnam: Foreigners establishing a company in Vietnam must comply with the conditions and procedures prescribed by Vietnam:

+ Do business in the fields permitted by Vietnamese law and in accordance with international treaties to which Vietnam is a member (eg WTO).

+ The investment capital in Vietnam must be proved in money, which must be confirmed by the bank with the account

+ Passport

+ The address is based in Vietnam and must have a notarized loan contract

Procedures for establishment of foreign-invested companies in Vietnam, procedures for establishment of foreign companies in Vietnam; The composition of the record includes:

Components of the dossier for establishment of a foreign-invested company, including:

1. Request for issuance of Investment Certificate (Form I-3.) Investors refer to instructions on how to write the above forms in Annex IV-1 of Decision No. 1088/2006 / QD-BKH dated 19 / 10/2006 of the Ministry of Planning and Investment).

2. Report on the financial capacity of the investor, which is established and responsible by the investor. The content of the report must clearly indicate the source of investment capital used by the investor for investment and the investor has sufficient financial capacity to carry out the project. Investors can prove by the attached documents:

- Financial statements (for investors being legal entities);

- Confirmation of the bank account balance (for investors’ being individuals or investors is a newly established legal entity).

3. The draft charter of the company with the signature of the owner of the company or of the legal representative in the case where the owner is an individual; The authorized representative, the legal representative of the company owner is the organization. The owner of the company shall be responsible for the legality of the company charter

4. The list of authorized representatives (made according to the form provided in Appendix I-9 to the Ministry of Planning and Investment's Circular No. 01/2013 / TT-BKHDT dated January 21, 2013), for limited liability companies. One member is managed in the model of the Members' Council (stipulated in Clause 3, Article 67 of the Enterprise Law).

5. Document certifying the legal status of the investor:

5.1. For Individual Investors: A valid copy of one of the personal identification documents:

A) Individuals bearing Vietnamese nationality: People's identity cards or passports.

B) Individuals having foreign nationality:

- For foreigners permanently residing in Vietnam: Temporary residence certificate granted by competent Vietnamese agency and passport.

- For non-resident foreigners in Vietnam: Passport.

5.2. For institutional investors:

A / A valid copy of the establishment decision, business registration certificate or other equivalent papers, charter or other equivalent documents of the company owner (unless the company owner is a house country).

For documents of foreign organizations, the above documents must be consular legalization (the legalization of consular not more than 3 months before the date of filing)

B) The authorization letter of the owner to the authorized person (refer to Article 48 of the Law on Enterprises) and a valid copy of one of the personal identification papers of the authorized representative (as prescribed in Section 5.1 above).

6. Written approval of the use of state capital for investment by competent agencies in cases where investment projects use state capital.

7. Legal documents related to the address of the head office and the location of the project (The file includes: valid copy of the notarized Rental Agreement or proof of the investor's right legitimate use of registered places).

We are a consulting company, consultant to establish a foreign-invested company with many years of experience, consulted and established for hundreds of foreign invested enterprises such as Korea, Japan, China, USA, India, Singapore, etc. Our services:

•  Business license service for foreigners

•  Services for obtaining permits for foreign workers

•  Establish a representative office of a foreign company in Vietnam

•  Establishment services of foreign invested companies

In addition, we also advise foreign investors: Want to buy back capital, shares of Vietnamese companies or contribute capital to do business with Vietnamese companies.

Foreign investors wishing to buy Vietnamese companies should contact us for advice on the establishment of foreign invested companies and guidelines on selling shares to foreign investors.

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